Resource Center
The Presbytery retains a small number of physical resources for lending at the Presbytery office located at 9221 N. Rodney Parham Road in Little Rock. These resources are all listed below under the following alphabetical categories: Advent, Bible Study, Confirmation, Discipleship & Spirituality, Faith & Life, Lent, Miscellaneous (Creeds, Denominations, Evangelism/2, Parenting, Stewardship, Theology, and World Religions), Prayer, Women, and Youth. To check out or inquire about a resource, contact Julie Price, Presbytery Connector, at 501-626-6477 or Resources are free to check out to anyone associated with the Presbytery of Arkansas. Resources can be mailed outside of the Little Rock area.
- A Different Kind of Christmas by Mike Slaughter (2 books, leader guide, devotion book, children’s guide, youth guide, & DVD) 5 sessions+. Also a 1-minute video about it with Mike Slaughter: Click here
- Faithful: Christmas Through The Eyes of Joseph by Adam Hamilton (book, leader guide, & DVD) 4 sessions.
- The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: Finding Faith in the Story of the Grinch (Abingdon Press, 2021) by Matt Rawle (book & leader guide) 4 sessions
- Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas by Adam Hamilton (2 books & leader guide) 4 sessions
- The Journey, Adam Hamilton (book, leader guide, & DVD) 5 sessions
- Light of the World: A Beginner’s Guide to Advent by Amy-Jill Levine (leader guide) 4 sessions
- Names For The Messiah, Walter Brueggemann (book)
- Not A Silent Night, Adam Hamilton (8 books) 5 sessions
- The Redemption of Scrooge (Abingdon Press, 2021) by Matt Rawle (book & leader guide) 4 sessions. Pairs with a Worship Design Studio Theme, God Bless Us Everyone.
- Under Wraps: The Gift We Never Expected by Jessica LaGrone, Andy Nixon, Rob Renfroe, & Ed Robb (book, leader guide, youth study book, & DVD) 4 sessions + Epilogue/5th week
Bible Study:
- Making Sense Of The Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today by Adam Hamilton (book & DVD) 5 sessions
- Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet by Adam Hamilton (book, leader guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- Psalmist’s Cry: Scripts For Embracing Lament by Walter Brueggemann with Steve Frost (2 books & DVD) 5 sessions
- The Ten Commandments From The Back Side by J. Ellsworth Kalas (book) 10 chapters, epilogue, & study helps
- 3:16: The Numbers of Hope by Max Lucado (study guide & DVDs) 12 week study
- The Call: The Life and Message of The Apostle Paul by Adam Hamilton (leader guide, youth guide, children’s guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- John: The Gospel of Light and Life by Adam Hamilton (book, leader guide, youth guide, children’s guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- New Testament Stories From The Back Side by J. Ellsworth Kalas (6 books) 12 chapters with study guide
- Parables From The Back Side: Bible Stories With A Twist by J. Ellsworth Kalas (7 books, leader guide, & DVD) 12 sessions
- The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey (book, 8 participant guides, leader guide, & DVD) 14 sessions
- Who Is This Man? The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus by John Ortberg (2 study guides & DVD) 5 sessions
- Big God Big Questions from PC(USA) (Big Journal, Infographics, & DVD)
- Re:form Traditions from Sparkhouse (anti-workbook & DVD)
- Confirm not Conform from CnC (adult guide & adult book)
- Making Disciples by Will Willimon (mentor guide, confirmand journal, coordinator’s guide, & DVD)
Discipleship & Spirituality:
- The Broken Way: A Daring Path Into The Abundant Life by Ann Voskamp, 6 sessions (study guide & DVD) 6 sessions
- Faith From The Backside: A Different Take on What It Means to Believe by J. Ellsworth Kalas (book), 12 chapters + discussion guide
- Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go by Adam Hamilton (2 books, leader’s guide, & DVD) 4 sessions
- The Good and Beautiful God: Falling In Love With The God Jesus Know by James Bryan Smith (book) 9 chapters + discussion guide
- The Gospel According To Dr. Seuss by James W. Kemp (3 books) 13 chapters
- Healing Waters: A Bible Study on Forgiveness, Grace, and Second Chances by Melody Carlson (participant book, 2 leaders guides, & DVD) 8 sessions
- One Thousand Gifts: A Dare To Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp (book, study guide, & DVD) 5 sessions
- Serving From The Heart: Finding Your Gifts and Talents for Service by Carol Cartmill & Yvonne Gentile (leader guide & DVD) 6 sessions
- Seven Spiritual Gifts of Waiting by Holly W. Whitcomb (2 books) 7 chapters
- Soul Keeping: Caring for The Most Important Part of You by John Ortberg (book, study guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- The Walk: Five Essential Practices of The Christian Life by Adam Hamilton, (book, leader guide, youth study guide, children’s leader guide, & DVD) 2019
- Wonderstruck: Awaken To The Nearness of God by Margaret Feinberg (book, leader guide, & DVD) 7 sessions
Faith & Life:
- Animate: Bible from Sparkhouse (leader guide, journal, & DVD) 7 sessions
- Animate: Practices from Sparkhouse (leader guide, journal, & DVD) 7 sessions
- Fearless by Max Lucado (book & discussion guide) 15 chapters with discussion guide/6 sessions
- Confronting The Controversies: Biblical Perspectives on Tough Issues by Adam Hamilton (book, pastor’s guide, leader guide, & DVD) 7 sessions
- The Faith of a Mockingbird: A Small Group Study Connecting Christ and Culture by Matt Rawle (2 books, leader guide, study DVD, & movie DVD) 4 sessions
- Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things The Bible Doesn’t Say by Adam Hamilton (2 books, leader guide, DVD, youth study book, & youth leader guide) 5 sessions
- If You Want To Walk On Water, You’ve Got To Get Out of The Boat: A 6-Session Journey on Learning To Trust God by John Ortbert (10 participant guides, leader’s guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- NOOMA – these are a series of short films by Rob Bell, 10 to 15 minutes each, that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. We have about 40 of the films and each one has a very simple guide with it with questions for discussion.
- Searching For Happiness: How Generosity, Faith, and Other Spiritual Habits Can Lead to a Full Life by Martin Thielen (book) 10 chapters with study guide
- What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey (leader guide & participant guide) 10 sessions
- When Christians Get It Wrong by Adam Hamilton (book) 6 chapters
- When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In The Box: Six Sessions On Living Life In Light of Eternity by John Ortberg (4 participant’s guides, leader’s guide, & DVD) 10 sessions – Watch session 1
- 24 Hours That Changed the World by Adam Hamilton, 2010 (4 books, youth guide, children’s guide, reflections, & DVD) 7 sessions
- Easter From The Backside by J. Ellsworth Kalas, 2008 (3 books) 7 chapters + discussion guide
- Entering the Passion of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine 2018
- Final Words From The Cross by Adam Hamilton (2 books, leader guide & DVD) 6 sessions
- Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go by Adam Hamilton (2 books, leader’s guide, & DVD) 4 sessions
- Forgivenss: A Lenten Study by Marjorie J. Thompson, 2014 6 sessions & study guide
- Give Up Something Bad for Lent by James W. Moore, 2012 (book) 6 sessions + Holy & Easter chapter
- The Grace of Les Miserables by Matt Rawle 2021
- Witness at the Cross, Amy-Jill Levine, 2021 (book, leader guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- Creeds: Creed: What Christians Believe and Why Exploring The Apostle’s Creed by Adam Hamilton (book, leader guide, youth guide, children’ guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- Denominations: Christianity’s Family Tree, What Other Christians Believe and Why by Adam Hamilton (book, leader guide, pastor’s guide, & DVD) 8 sessions
- Evangelism: Catch: A Churchwide Program for Invitational Evangelism by Debi Nixon with Adam Hamilton (program guide with DVD, Implementation guide, & small group participant book) 4 sessions
- Evangelism: Next Door Savior: Near Enough to Touch, Strong Enough to Trust by Max Lucado (book, leader guide, participant guide, DVD, & CD) 8 sessions
- Parenting: Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls by Gary Thomas (study guide & DVD) 6 sessions
- Stewardship: Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity by Adam Hamilton(2 books, leader guide, & DVD) 4 sessions + bonus
- Theology: Why? Making Sense of God’s Will by Adam Hamilton (book, study guide, & DVD) 4 sessions
- World Religions: Christianity And World Religions: Questions We Ask About Other Faiths by Adam Hamilton (book, leader guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer by Max Lucado (book, study guide, & DVD) 4 sessions
- The Four Acts of Prayer with Walter Wangerin, Jr. (study guide & DVD) 10 segments – a video clip
- Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey (book, participant guide, leader guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- Bad Girls of the Bible: What We Can Learn From Them by Liz Curtis Higgs (book, 3 workbooks, & DVD-1 hour, not in segments) 10 chapters
- Embraced by God: Seven Promises for Every Woman by Babbie Mason (book, leader guide, DVD +) 8 sessions
- Finding Balance: Loving God With Heart and Soul, Mind and Strength by Becca Stevens (2 books, leader guide, & DVD) 6 sessions
- Hagar: In the Face of Rejection, God Says I’m Significant by Kasey Van Norman, Jada Edwards, & Nicole Johnson (study guide & DVD) 4 sessions
- Strong Was Her Faith: Women of the New Testament by J. Ellsworth Kalas (book) 12 chapters with discussion questions
- Faith Questions: Called, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Christianity and…, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Church, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: End Times, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Faith and Science, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Gospels, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Grace and Gratitude, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Holy Spirit, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Justice, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Money, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: New Testament, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Old Testament, 6 sessions
- Faith Questions: Politics, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Psalms, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Reformed Theology, 6 sessions
- Faith Questions: Sacraments, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Salvation, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Signs of Grace, 4 sessions
- Faith Questions: Temptations, 6 sessions
- Faith Questions: War, 4 sessions
- NOOMA – these are a series of short films by Rob Bell, 10 to 15 minutes each, that explore our world from a perspective of Jesus. We have about 40 of the films and each one has a very simple guide with it with questions for discussion.
- The Gospel According To Disney: Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust by Mark I. Pinsky (book) pick and choose from 35 Disney movies
- The Gospel According To Harry Potter: Spirituality in the Stories of the World’s Most Famous Seeker by Connie Neal (book & leader guide) 10 sessions