Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Arkansas welcome you.

Everything we do as an organization and as a community is guided by our PW Purpose:

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:

to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
to support the mission of the church worldwide,
to work for justice and peace, and
to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

Anyone who supports the Purpose in any way is participating in Presbyterian Women—in spirit and/or in action! Presbyterian Women are aligned under this shared Purpose, but the gifts of the Spirit allow us to live into the Purpose in our own, unique ways. Some individuals or groups find themselves particularly drawn to one or two points of the Purpose. Other groups or individuals consciously work toward fulfilling all points. There are many faithful ways to live out the PW Purpose!

For most women, participation in PW starts in the congregation. Like the connectional structure of the church, Presbyterian Women in the Congregation has representation and contact with PW in the Presbytery. Presbyterian Women is connected and connectional—there is a lot of good work happening in PW all the time, from mission endeavors on the local level to the fulfillment of Thank and Birthday Offering grants. By giving so generously of our time, talents and treasures, Presbyterian Women assist with improving the lives of women, children, and families, locally, within the Presbytery of Arkansas and the world over.


AUGUST 8 – 11
Sacred-Encounters-2023-2024 PW study

Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts

By Olive Mahabir

Suggestions for Leaders by Wilma Angélica Quiñonez Cubero

The 2023–2024 PW/Horizons Bible study by author Olive Mahabir

Within the pages of this study, Olive Mahabir invites you to consider Jesus and Jesus’ disciples who shared the Good News through sacred encounters with everyday people.

The Gospel According to Luke and the book of the Acts of the Apostles, or Luke-Acts, “one story in two parts,” demonstrate the unfolding of God’s redemptive purposes in human history and present a distinctive perspective on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Written by Luke, a physician and traveling companion of Paul, the message to the early Christian community (and to us) is radical, inclusive, and hope-filled. Click here for more information.

PW Officer 2023-24: (L to R) Alice Kutz/Cluster 1 Communicator, Janie Russell/Cluster 3 Communicator, Gail Phillips/Treasurer, Kathy White/Secretary/Historian, Renee Nestor/Vice-Moderator, Vickie Erickson/Member At Large, Patty Minga/Co-Moderator, Cathy Rogers/Co-Moderator

PW Documents – CLICK HERE