Honduras Ministries

Since 2014, The Presbytery of Arkansas has been in covenant with the Presbytery of Honduras.  This exciting church is growing rapidly and currently consists of 27 congregations, with new congregations being formed every year. Scroll to the bottom of the page for information on the 2025 mission trip.

⬇️Scroll down for information on the 2025 mission trip. ⬇️

Our Involvement:

  • In the Copan and Tegucigalpa regions, we have taken members and friends on several week-long trips to work alongside Hondurans on a variety of projects. Community development in Honduras is a partnership between US Presbyteries and Churches along with Honduran leaders to help with a variety of projects.
  • The Arkansas Presbytery and individual churches have assisted with Theological Training, Seed Planting, Food Bags, Student Scholarships, Solar and Clean Water Systems, Church and Home Building Projects, Sewing Ministries, Pastoral Emergency Funds, Surgeries for Children, and more.
  • We have members involved in a monthly “Honduran Network Call” to stay up to date on the current events with our friends.

Our Mission Co-Worker in Honduras

The Rev. Dori Hjalmarson accompanies, coordinates, and coaches lay and pastoral leaders of the Presbyterian Church of Honduras as they broaden theological education and strengthen the church’s leadership capacity. One component of this is a dynamic program in collaboration with the Latin American Biblical University (UBL) of Costa Rica offering an intensive two-year theological education program for pastoral and lay leadership.

She serves as the primary Presbyterian World Mission liaison to the Honduras Mission Network, facilitating connections between World Mission, the network, the Presbyterian Church of Honduras, and other interested parties. One focus of Dori’s collaboration with the Presbyterian Church of Honduras is facilitating partnerships between Honduran and U.S. Presbyterians.

The History of the Presbytery of Honduras

The Presbyterian Church of Honduras was founded in the 1950’s by lay Presbyterian immigrants from Guatemala.  The original churches were in the Southeastern cities of Guaimaca and Tegucigalpa.  Since then, by the work of the Holy Spirit, the church has expanded rapidly, with 30 current congregations, mostly in the southeastern part of the country.

US Presbyterians have been working with the Presbytery of Honduras in theological education, leadership training, financial support of pastors and their families, and scholarships enabling Honduran youth to finish high school.  Efforts are being made to establish new congregations in the western department of Copan, where the US-Honduran community development work has flourished.

Arkansas Presbytery Mission Trip, March 22-29, 2025


Well-behaved children/youth age 10+ with a parent or adult, college students, and adults are invited.  (Yes, adults must be well-behaved too) High physical ability and Spanish-speaking skills are NOT required.  Attending orientation meetings are required to prepare participants. A maximum of 18 people will be selected.  The estimated participant cost is $1,400-$1,700, and many churches offer scholarships.

  • Apply for a Passport now, if needed.
  • An informational meeting will be on Zoom at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov 14, 2024.Email Leigh for the Zoom Link.
  • Applications are due on Dec. 1, 2024.
  • Funds due Feb. 1, 2025.
  • Applications are available online or within this Honduras Mission Trip Application packet which is also packed with additional info.

Leigh Woodruff, of First United Presbyterian Church, has been directing AR Presbytery mission trips for the past 10 years. Contact Leigh at (479) 601-1437 or by e-mail leighwoodruff83@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Click here to watch the video of the 2024 mission trip.

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