Resource Pages:


  • PC(USA) 2024 Special Offerings Resources: Click here and for offering date information: Click here
  • He Gets Us, videos about Jesus to relate to people today: Click here
  • Presbyterian Association of Musicians resource page of Town Hall Forums, both those coming up and recordings of past ones: Click here
  • MissionInsite: Click here – to use this site, contact Julie Price, then follow the directions on this page to log in.
  • The Network from the Christian Reformed Church: Click here 
  • ShareChurch, The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection resource page: Click here
  • VISUAL PARABLES, A leading resource for faith-and-film reviews and study guides: Click here
  • Messy Church USA: Click here and In Praise of Messy Church, a 1/2024 Outlook article: Click here
  • Life Open Network: Click here
  • The Scattered Church, Theological Reflections and Practical Resources for Socially Distanced Ministry (PCUSA resource page): Click here
  • PCUSA Resource Page: Click here 
  • TED – Ideas worth sharing: Click here
  • The ARDA, Association of Religious Data Archives: Click here
  • Congregational Consulting Group: Click here
  • Next Church: Click here
  • PCUSA Mission Resource Page: Click here
  • PRC online resource catalog: Click here
  • PRC Book Review Blog: Click here
  • Presbyterians Today online: Click here
  • Fuller De Pree Center: Click here
  • Amplify Media Free Resources page: Click here


Disaster Relief:


Faith Formation:

  • Free online children’s short Bible videos from Open Network: Click here
  • Presbyterian Mission Office of Christian Formations Wakelet Resources: Click here
  • Hope4CE: A place where innovative ideas and lesson plans can be shared for Christian Education: Click here
  • Techtools4CE (only on facebook): Click here
  • Family Faith Formation Resources by Topic (Christian Reformed Church): Click here
  • Lifelong Faith Formation for Today’s World: Click here
  • APCE Resource Page: Click here
  • Vibrant Faith: Transforming the way we envision and design faith formation for all ages and generations in the 21st century: Click here
  • Building Faith, a ministry of Virginia Theological Seminary (article, webinars, resources): Click here


Mental Health:

  • Mental Health Resources, 4/2021 (PCUSA): Click here


Online Documents/Resources:

  • Book of Order 2023-2025 online: Click here
  • Book of Order 2019-2023 online: Click here
  • PC USA Bookstore – order a copy of the 2023-2025 Book of Order, $10 each: Click here
  • Preparation for Ministry Resources and Forms: Click here



  • The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program, a ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is an ecumenical, one-year service opportunity for young adults ages 19 to 30. Learn more about this transformative year by click here: Click here



  • Safe Gatherings, online clergy boundaries training, $29: Click here
  • Equip, PCUSA Training Resources: Click here
  • Resources for the Year of Leader Formation (PCUSA 2020): Click here
  • CongregationU, online church training courses: Click here


Church Safety:

  • The James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage, A conference on gun violence at Ghost Ranch Aug. 22-25, 2024: Click here
  • Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit: Click here
  • Safe Church Assessment Introduction and Instructions, 12/2021 Christian Reformed Church: Click here
  • Safer Sanctuaries: Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities: Click here
  • Church Safety/Violence Preparedness – Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide from CISA & the FBI, 10/2021 update: Click here
  • Protecting Places of Worship: Six Steps to Enhance Security Against Targeted Violence Fact Sheet from CISA & the FBI, 5/2023 update: Click here
  • CongregationU provides online training on the practical aspects of church life, from risk management to human resources to overall health and wellness: Click here
  • Safe Church Assessment Introduction and Instructions, 12/2021 Christian Reformed Church: Click here
  • Safe Gatherings, an organization who works with churches and other nonprofits. Their focus is abuse prevention through a system of checks and balances: Click here
  • Gun Violence: How Churches Can Be a Part of Prevention, a PRC online discussion panel on demand: Click here
  • PCUSA Gun Violence Resources: Click here
  • The Power of Hello Guide For Houses of Worship: Click here
  • ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate) – active shooter training for churches and houses of worship: Click here
  • Gun Violence Policies, Studies and Resources from the PC(USA): Click here
  • Church training for gun violence: Click here
  • Creating Safe Places, a document from the PC(USA) with guidance, forms, and more to help congregations create policies and practices dealing with sexual misconduct.: Click here
  • From Opening Doors to Discipleship section on Equipping Others contains information on policies, practices, and procedures for a variety of areas including Safe Sanctuary/Protection policies and Dealing with Emergencies and Times of Crisis: Click here