In December 2023, the Presbytery of Arkansas entered into a relationship with Ministry Architects to help guide the presbytery through a strategic visioning process. The goal of this process is to establish a clear vision and structure that aligns with the current landscape and sets the stage for the presbytery’s continued growth and impact. Check out what has been accomplished thus far:

March 2024 –  This assessment report was presented by Ministry Architects, lifting up assets, challenges, and recommendations for the presbytery to consider as it begins this important work to ensure effective ministry for the future.

April 2024 –  Presbytery leadership gathered for a two-day vision summit facilitated by Ministry Architects at Ferncliffe to begin the strategic visioning process which resulted in drafts of a mission statement, core values and three year goals and one year benchmarks. Click Here to View June 2024 Vision Documents.

May 2024 – A Strategic Planning Leadership Team began meeting to address the recommendations from the assessment report. This team will continue to be responsible for moving the work forward.

June 2024 – The vision documents were offered as a framework for the presbytery to use as part of its strategic plan to be confirmed at the October presbytery meeting.

Mark De Vries of Ministry Architects leads a visioning session at Ferncliff in April of 2024.